This is an early version of the event agenda and is subject to change.
Watch this space for information about a diverse range of tours. Each tour is capped at a maximum number and will also need a minimum signup. Tours will be offered in the morning and afternoon.
Details will be published soon.
Join municipal government officials as they discuss topics of common interest and concern to municipalities throughout the Americas. The session is aimed at local government employees and elected officials and is by invitation only. Key topics may include Cybersecurity, Ethics and Transparency, Economic Development, and Community Policing.
SCI Academy is a program unique to each Sister Cities International Summit experience. Structured to highlight SCI’s history and current goals, provide tools for success, share effective tips on strengthening existing partnerships and establishing new ones, Sister Cities International Academy is a powerful platform to showcase best practices for emerging, new, and current sister cities – locally and globally!
Join Mayor Ron Nirenberg on May 29 as he hosts the Sister Cities International All Americas Summit Welcome Reception at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts and encounter the unique architectural, artistic, and sensory experience of this exceptional facility. Guests will be treated to an amazing variety of outstanding local musicians.
About the Venue
Originally built 98 years ago in the colorful Spanish Colonial Revival style, the Municipal Auditorium was transformed in 2014 into the state-of-the-art Tobin Center for the Performing Arts.
Situated along the banks of the San Antonio River in the heart of the city, the historic Auditorium, with its preserved original facade and a new modernistic “metallic veil,” has been transformed into a beautiful world-class venue. High tech sound, lighting, and seating systems allow remarkable flexibility in its multiple performance spaces, including the 600-seat outdoor plaza that descends to the lush and lively Riverwalk.
Exhibit Hall (Exhibition Space with Booths)
Trade / Tourism / Education
Please join us in a time-honored Sister Cities tradition as we begin our Summit with the Honor Guard and join youth from across the world celebrating our organization’s diversity and strength with flags from cities and countries from across the Western Hemisphere.
Listen to an in-depth dialog between Americas’ Mayors about pressing issues for their cities regardless on topics including resilience & sustainability, economic development & trade, immigration, transportation, among others.
15 Minutes Break.
Learn from industry leaders and organizations about the future direction of business and investment in the Americas.
This session explores how different organizations respond to humanitarian issues and crises throughout the Americas. Learn how partnered cities across the Americas work interdependently, alongside humanitarian cooperation initiatives aimed at enhancing quality of life in the Western hemisphere.
To be provided
Water is the basis for so many communities, yet it is often overlooked. Listen to experts from a variety of fields talk about the challenges with our water supplies and what communities across the Americas are doing to deal with water challenges.
International people-to-people exchanges known as Sports Diplomacy programs aim to foster mutual understanding and cooperation through sports. What diplomatic influence does a significant sporting event like the World Cup exert on the Western Hemisphere? Leaders from various cities slated to host the World Cup 2026 will share insights on the panel, exploring its broader impact.
At a time when subnational relationships are more critical than ever to growth and stability, city leaders are seeking dynamic and innovative partnerships to keep their local communities healthy and thriving. This session aims to discuss U.S. Commercial Service’s resources, how foreign posts engage with local offices and clients/cities, and how international entities can access these services. Attendees will also hear testimonials from panelists about how they have leveraged these services into growing economic development opportunities with their sister city portfolio.
Step into this networking zone designed for cities eager to explore and forge a new Sister City partnership. The Marketplace is an ideal setting for city officials, representatives, and community leaders to engage in brief but impactful discussions that allow for exploring shared values, cultural affinities, economic opportunities, and collaborative initiatives (akin to speed -dating that provides a fast-track avenue for cities from across the Americas to discover each other).
Connect with cutting-edge innovation and experience an evening of interactive tech, music, and e-sports at Boeing Center at Tech Port, the most technologically advanced entertainment venue in the world. Guests can explore Tech Port’s “San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology,” its LAN Gaming Center, and much more.
About the Venue
Established in 1917 as Kelly Field, Port San Antonio has redeveloped this former Air Force Base to focus on the continued evolution of global technologies. Today, marquee names in aerospace, manufacturing, cybersecurity, robotics, and other technologically advanced industries conduct an array of projects on this large and dynamic site.
Located at the heart of Port San Antonio, the 180,000-square-foot Boeing Center at Tech Port boasts a reconfigurable 3,100-seat arena and gaming hall, a 60-by-20-foot LED wall, and the largest array of musical Tesla coils which can be incorporated into the lighting and sound design for live music with 7.1 surround sound. A LAN gaming center and interactive tech museum will also be open for enjoyment and play during the Reception!
Exhibit Hall (Exhibition Space with Booths)
Trade / Tourism / Education
Break Out Session #4
People Centered Smart Cities Across the Americas.
Break Out Session #5
IHow to Leverage the US Commercial Service in Sister City Relationships for Business Develoment.
Break Out Session #6
Transformative Impact of the Arts in the Americas.
15 Minutes Break.
Break Out Session #7
Travel and Tourism in the Americas.
Break Out Session #8
Immigration in the Americas.
Break Out Session #9
Creative Cities Collaborating Across the Americas.
Canada and the United States: Bilateral Cooperation As Three Ocean Countries.
Break Out Session #10
Compassionate Americas.
Break Out Session #11
Cooperation in Climate and Sustainability in the Americas.
Break Out Session #12
Leveraging the Diplomatic Corps to support sister city engagement.
Texas – Gateway to the Americas
Reception at the Mexican Cultural Institute.
To know more please visit us at allamericassummit.sistercities.org
Mayor’s Dialogue- Thursday: Global Trade and Climate Solutions |
Mayor’s Dialogue- Friday: Sports Diplomacy in the Americas and FIFA 2026 |
Diplomacy Across the Americas: Strengething Hemispheric Bonds |
Canada and the United States: Bilateral Cooperation As Three Ocean Countries |
How to Leverage the US Commercial Service in Sister City Relationships for Business Development |
Creative Cities Collaborating Across the Americas |
Humanitarian Cooperation and Security in the Americas |
Leveraging Connections for Sister Cities through International Networks |
People Centered Smart Cities across the Americas |
Trade Agreements and Regional Economic Blocks |
Travel and Tourism in the Americas |
The Power and Impact of Arts in the Americas |
Water Across the Americas: Challenges and Solutions |
Climate Heritage in the Americas |
Social Issues
Immigration in the Americas |
Compassionate AMERICAS Workshop |
Texas Gateway to the Americas |
To know more please visit us at allamericassummit.sistercities.org